God was ready to strike the man who was about to shoot the tiger who was about to pounce on the hawk who was about to thrust its beak into the weasel who was about to kill the snake who was about to swallow the rat who was about to hunt the lizard who was about to eat the tarantula who was about to pinch the ant who was about to poison the louse who was about to bite the leaf.
God was ready to strike the man down, but overcome by fear, turned back.
Dios se disponía a fulminar a ese hombre que estaba por dispararle al tigre que estaba por saltar sobre el halcón que estaba por clavar su pico en la comadreja que estaba por matar a la culebra que estaba por deglutir a la rata que estaba por cazar a la lagartija que estaba por comerse a la tarántula que estaba por atenazar a la hormiga que estaba por envenenar al pulgón que estaba por morder la hoja.
Dios se disponía a fulminar a ese hombre pero, lleno de pánico, volteó hacia atrás.