
SmokeLong Quarterly

SmokeLong Quarterly has been dedicated to publishing the best flash narratives since 2003.


Issue Eighty-Four — The SmokeLong Quarterly Award for Flash Fiction

June 2024

From the Editor

I have so much to tell you. I spend an inordinate amount of time worrying about why a journal hosts a competition at all–or conversely why everything isn’t a competition. I might never decide how I feel. The conversation, though, is an important one to have. I’d love to do an AWP panel on competitions:… Continue reading New Front (continue reading)

Smokelong Quarterly Issue Eighty-Four — The SmokeLong Quarterly Award for Flash Fiction

SmokeLong Fitness--The Community Workshop

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Included in the price of SmokeLong Fitness:

The Community Workshop in small groups
One live Zoom webinar each month with killer workshop leaders (recorded for participants unable to attend).
One open-mic party each month (or other live Zoom events)
Discounts on intensive workshops
Discounts on senior editor feedback
Surprises (good ones)

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Elements of Flash with Christopher Allen — August 3!

Are you flash-curious? The flash narrative is much, much more than a shorter short story. We read almost 12,000 submissions each year at SmokeLong, searching for the rare flash narrative. Join Christopher Allen for a 90-minute webinar/workshop that will help you make the flash narrative your own. If you are participating in SmokeLong Fitness, this… Continue reading Elements of Flash with Christopher Allen — August 3!


Issue Thirty-Nine

March has been an exciting month, with Kathy Fish Fellowship applications and the Association of Writers and Writing Conference (AWP) in Boston. Thanks to everyone who stopped by our bookfair table at AWP. We had a great time seeing old friends and making new ones. And a wonderful end to the conference—at one of the… Continue reading Issue Thirty-Nine

Featuring stories by: Beth KonkoskiCara LongCarol Guess and Kelly MageeDaniel Wessler RiordanEmily RinkemaGabrielle HovendonGlenn ShaheenJames ZerndtJ.D. JahangirJennifer A. HowardKara VernorManuela SilvestreMark L. KeatsMatthew BrennanPeter KispertRachel LyonTammy PeacyTJ RivardTara Lynn MasihVincent Pagé

Sara Kaplan-Cunningham

Sara Kaplan-Cunningham received her MFA in poetry from the University of Houston. Her poems appear or are forthcoming in DIALOGIST, The Cincinnati Review, Fugue, Washington Square Review, Redivider, and elsewhere. Her story “The Conversion” won F(r)iction’s Fall 2023 Flash Fiction Contest. She loves warm brownie sundaes.

Read the interview…

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