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SmokeLong Quarterly’s 2017 Pushcart Prize Nominees: Final Round

December 13, 2016

SmokeLong Quarterly is excited to nominate six fantastic stories for the 2017 Pushcart Prize!

Today we are happy to announce that we have nominated Justin Lawrence Daugherty “The Dead Are Not Hungry” and “Independence Day” by Marysa LaRowe!


13731714_10101300238399253_1639912655228899218_nThe Dead Are Not Hungry

Zombies. Yes, this is a zombie story. A stunning and moving one. While “The Dead Are Not Hungry” is yet another sign-of-the-times story about a world spinning out of control, it’s also a very personal story about a father’s feeling of helplessness. And Justin Lawrence Daugherty aces the ending. It will leave you breathless. – Christopher Allen, Managing Editor

Read “The Dead Are Not Hungry

Smoke and Mirrors: An Interview with Justin Lawrence Daugherty


img_5365Independence Day

Marysa LaRowe’s “Independence Day” builds layer upon layer toward a shocking ending—a deluge that carries the reader away just as flash fiction should.   – Christopher Allen

Read “Independence Day


Congratulations to all of our 2017 Pushcart Prize Nominees!


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