
SmokeLong Quarterly

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Issue Seventy-Four

December 2021

From the Editor

I have so much to tell you. This year the SmokeLong staff have read nearly 12,000 submissions and have published 58 narratives–each one our favorite. We are also thrilled to have published 12 cuentos in the first three editions of SmokeLong en Español, which comes out each quarter the week before the usual issue. Before… Continue reading Issue Seventy-Four

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Smokelong Quarterly Issue Seventy-Four

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SmokeLong Fitness--The Community Workshop

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Included in the price of SmokeLong Fitness:

The Community Workshop in small groups
One live Zoom webinar each month with killer workshop leaders (recorded for participants unable to attend).
One open-mic party each month (or other live Zoom events)
Discounts on intensive workshops
Discounts on senior editor feedback
Surprises (good ones)