Over the last two and a half months we have read more than 1700 micros to arrive at the following list of impressive entries. All of these narratives brought something unique and compelling to the competition. Congratulations to each writer on this list! If your micro appears here, please feel free to express your excitement on social media, but please do not identify your story. Blind judging is still in progress.
The Long List:
A Kind of Fighting by Kristin Saeveit
Agnes in the Exam Room by Ruth LeFaive
And the Vulture Will Come… by Thomas Malloch
Beef Tongue by Bahar Hoshyar
Can Elizabeth Bishop Relate? by Sherrel McLafferty
Chipmunks by Sara Siddiqui Chansarkar
Desire is Dirty and Needful by Miriam McEwen
Discordant Virgo by Brianne Kohl
Division of Birds by Taylor Alexandra Duffy
Don’t Be Alarmed by Gabriel Houck
Engagement Rings in Poundland by Enje Tipper
Eve and Adam by Debra Daniel
Extended Stay by Ra’Niqua Lee
Eyes of Rabbit by Debra Daniel
Final Boarding Call for Evacuation by Öykü Akın
Finger by Maria Poulatha
Habits by Nathan Sindelar
House Rules for After the Polar Shift by Janna Miller
Hunting in Water by Kristin Saeveit
Husband by Sara C. Thomason
In the Offing by Brett Biebel
Juice by Leanne Dunic
Leslie by Kathryn Fitzpatrick
Like Leaving by Kathryn Phelan
Live Coverage by Eileen Tomarchio
Memory Ward by John Haggerty
Minhee by Kristie Song
No rhinos were injured in the making by Salena Casha
Not Dogs by Natalie Warther
Other Fish by Leonora Desar
Pas de Deux by Lori Sambol Brody
Pin Me Pink by Lizzie Lawson
Prism of Impact by Audrey Burges
Rampage by Helen Gordon
Self-Solemnization by Marilyn Dees
初会 by Maria Picone
Showing up at my husband’s girlfriend’s door on a Friday evening when my husband is out of town with his brother for the weekend by Madeline Anthes
Speargrass by Catherine Deery
Stalactites, Stalagmites by Hema Nataraju
Storms and Waves by Jennifer Wortman
The Four Worst Paint Names We Came Across At Home Depot Upon Failing To Pick A New Color For The Empty Spare Room by R.S. Powers
The Gift by Tiffany Korssen
The Moment by Clementine Burnley
The Mothers of Brilliant Sons by Jan Stinchcomb
Theories About Your Housebound Neighbor by Jasmine Sawers
Too Long Under Water by Emily Devane
Two Towels Drying by Natalie Warther
Undergrowth by Melissa Bowers
Unlimited Options by Jason Sprinkle
Used Cinderella Sheets by Michael Riess
Visitors by Maria A. Ioannou
Please watch our social media channels in the next few days for our announcement of the SmokeLong Grand Micro Shortlist!