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The SmokeLong Flash Fiction Workshop Online — April 27-June 14

March 2, 2020

Join SmokeLong’s Christopher Allen, Sherrie Flick, and Tara Laskowski for a seven-week flash fiction workshop online April 27 through June 14! Each editor will lead two weeks with a specific focus, writing tasks and prompts during the first week of each module. During the second week of each module, participants will submit two drafts for line-editing comments from the SLQ editor so that by the end of the sixth week each participant has editor comments on six story drafts. During the final week, focused on flash fiction editing, each participant may submit one “final” draft to the SLQ editing team for feedback.

Participants will also be expected to exchange feedback on their story drafts in small groups, which will rotate with each module.

The course will be taught in three two-week modules as follows:

April 27 – May 10 — Module One – Led by Christopher Allen

“The Heart of the Story”

We will focus on rhythm, pacing, and cadence so that the reader arrives at the heart of a story, that profound WOW moment that makes flash fiction compelling, at just the right time with the right energy.

In the second week of the module, participants will submit two story drafts to the SmokeLong editor for feedback.

May 11 – May 24 — Module Two – Led by Sherrie Flick

“No Object Unturned”

We will examine how objects are used to great effect in flash fiction. We’ll (virtually) sort through heaps of objects to see how their exacting placement helps with characterization, setting, plot, and point of view. A single, awesome object can focus your reader succinctly and place them precisely in a scene and in doing so make your compressed world come to life on the page.

In the second week of the module, participants will submit two story drafts to the SmokeLong editor for feedback.

May 25 – June 7 — Module Three – Led by Tara Laskowski

“Time and Time Again”

This module will look at the ever-pressing issue of time in flash fiction. How do you show time passing without wasting precious words? How much time should pass in your stories? We’ll look at flash fictions that happen in a few minutes, ones that span decades, and stories that seem time-less. Discover tricks and tips to signify time passing, create urgency, and determine if your story needs to expand or condense.

In the second week of the module, participants will submit two story drafts to the SmokeLong editor for feedback.

June 8 – June 14 – Editing Flash Fiction

During this week, participants will discuss editing techniques and submit one final draft to the SLQ editing team.

Price: $295 (via Paypal in dollars to editors@smokelong.com)

This course is limited to 16 participants. 

If you have questions, please send them to Christopher at callen@smokelong.com


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SmokeLong Fitness--The Community Workshop

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Included in the price of SmokeLong Fitness:

The Community Workshop in small groups
One live Zoom webinar each month with killer workshop leaders (recorded for participants unable to attend).
One open-mic party each month (or other live Zoom events)
Discounts on intensive workshops
Discounts on senior editor feedback
Surprises (good ones)