With the sounds of the angry wind, and the dancing trees, the waves were moving strongly towards me, as if they wanted to hug me. I was afraid, there, because the waves, the wind and the trees were not happy that day. I had to stay steadfast in my place like a mountain. Yes, my tears were almost bursting like a fountain, but I insisted on standing there. Asking myself about my family, my friends, and our beautiful house; it was difficult for me to face the storm without them.
Smoke and Mirrors with Kinaz Mohammed Abdo
Interviewed by Jemimah Wei
What kind of images inspire you in real life? How do they come out in your writing?
Images of nature and of feelings are the main images that I rely on in my writing.
These come out in my writing through my own imagination, flashbacks, situations, difficulties, and ideas. Sometimes the images that inspire me depend on my current feelings or the subject and the idea I want to write about.
As an artist, as a writer, how would you like the world to know you?
As a simple writer. The world can know me through words and between the lines in my writing; they can know me through this.
I am Kinaz, a simple writer. I am interested in writing poetries and expressing my ideas in writing. I find myself simple, but what I write is deep in feeling and expression. I write what cannot be discovered through my conversations, because I believe that writing can explain more about freedom and wider humanity.