
SmokeLong Quarterly

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SmokeLong Announces Pushcart Prize Nominations

November 24, 2015

We are always thrilled to have such fine work in our issues, and 2015 was an especially great year. The following stories have been selected by SmokeLong for nomination for the newest Pushcart Prize anthology. Good luck to all the writers!


Our 2015 nominations:

The Pool Guy by Jessica Alexander

Aquarium by Elaine Chiew

The Moon is a Wasteland by Daniel DiFranco

Puberty by Kat Gonzo

Beethoven’s Fifth in C Minor by Pete Stevens

Stone, Well, Girl by Benito Vergara


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SmokeLong Fitness--The Community Workshop

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Included in the price of SmokeLong Fitness:

The Community Workshop in small groups
One live Zoom webinar each month with killer workshop leaders (recorded for participants unable to attend).
One open-mic party each month (or other live Zoom events)
Discounts on intensive workshops
Discounts on senior editor feedback
Surprises (good ones)