
SmokeLong Quarterly

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Paul Rousseau

Paul Rousseau is a disabled writer represented by Darhansoff & Verrill literary agency. His debut FRIENDLY FIRE: A FRACTURED MEMOIR is available from HarperCollins. Paul’s work has also appeared in CatapultNew Delta ReviewCRAFTWriter’s DigestSmokeLong QuarterlyMonkeybicycleWigleaf, the San Francisco Chronicle, and Newsweek, among others, and has been selected for Best Small Fictions 2024, the Wigleaf Top 50, winner of the SmokeLong Summer CNF Competition 2024, as well as nominated for a Pushcart Prize, Best of the Net, and Best American Science Fiction & Fantasy.


Stories in Smokelong Quarterly

Story: Convergence
Interview: Smoke & Mirrors with
Paul Rousseau


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