
SmokeLong Quarterly

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Barbara Diggs

Barbara Diggs’ work has been published or is forthcoming in numerous publications including FlashBack Fiction, (mac)ro(mic),100 Word Story, Ellipsis Zine, Five on Fifth, and multiple anthologies including the Bath Flash Fiction Anthology, the Oxford Flash Fiction Anthology, and The Bridport Prize Anthology.


Stories in Smokelong Quarterly

Story: Balance
Interview: Smoke & Mirrors with Barbara Diggs


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The Hybrid Flash: How to Dual-Wield Genre

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The Hybrid Flash with Erin Vachon

In this webinar/workshop, you will harness the experimental power of hybrid flash. You will discover the intertwined history of hybrid and flash, and read published flash crossed with image, poetry, and creative nonfiction. You will learn the rules of each genre, so you know how to break them.