
SmokeLong Quarterly

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News from Contributors

February 12, 2016

Here’s some of the latest good news from our wonderful contributors!

Amber Sparks’ fabulous new collection The Unfinished World and Other Stories is out now from Liveright/Norton. Her story, “Never Never,” was published in Issue Thirty-Three.

Sari Wilson‘s debut novel, Girl Through Glass, is out now from HarperCollins. Wilson was a recent SmokeLong guest editor.

Bud Smith has been busy these days! Check out his story, “Jant,” up at Monkeybicycle. Or head to his website to catch up on all his good publication news there. His story, “Junior in the Tunnels,” was published in Issue Forty-Four.

Laura Ellen Scott just received a multi-book deal for her New Royal Mysteries from Pandamoon Publishing. The first book is entitled The Mean Bone in Her Body and is scheduled for a Winter 2016 release. Her story, “Last Seen Leaving,” was published in Issue Twenty-Eight.

Be on the look out for a new collection, Whiskey Etc., by Sherrie Flick next month from Queen’s Ferry Press. Her story, “Ashes,” was published in Issue Forty-Six.


We love getting good news! If you’ve been a SmokeLong contributor in the past, feel free to send us updates about your recent pubs and general literary awesomeness, and we’ll include it upcoming news round-ups! 


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