Matchbook Stories Issue 3, out now from Book Ex Machina is, in some ways, the perfect complement to the mission of SmokeLong Quarterly both in name and intention. But thematic similarity (and some predictable but incredibly satisfying punning) isn’t the only reason to love Matchbook Stories. The issue contains four tiny but breathtaking stories, each encased in its own matchbook, and boasts an international set of celebrated writers: Etgar Keret, J. Robert Lennon, Tara L. Masih, and Yorgos Trillidis. Of course, at first glance, the most striking (pun so intended) aspect of the Matchbook Stories is its unique make-up. Yes, these stories are contained within actual matchbooks, and yes they are absolutely adorable, and yes your friends will squee with delight when they bear witness to such tiny cuteness. But Matchbook Stories isn’t just a gimmick. The stories are equally as compelling as their packaging. Book Ex Machina has created an art object that assures both style and substance. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go think of some more match-related puns.