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Fridge Flash — Milky by B. Bowers

August 24, 2020

Today’s fridge flash comes from B. who’s four and a half years old. If you have a budding writer scribbling masterpieces on your walls, we’d love to read them. Send them to us through the Fridge Flash form on Submittable. 


Milky by B.


TRANSLATION: Once upon a time, Milky was walking down the street. Then he saw a mud puddle and said, “WHAT COULD THAT BE?” So then he got into his car. Then he arrived at a witch’s house. Then he said, “Did you ever make a mud puddle?” he said. The witch says, “Yes.” Then he finally found out the mystery.






B. is four and a half. He loves space shuttles, baseball, and riding his bike, and wants to build race cars when he grows up. Nearly every story he writes features “Milky,” a protagonist named for B.’s favorite drink.


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