Today’s Fridge Flash from three-year-old Gretl Spikes-Gilbert is here to get you in the holiday spirit complete with Legos, lions, and quite the twist ending.
By Gretl Spikes-Gilbert
One time there was a little lion named Lambert. He was a cute little lion and he said,“RAWR!” He liked to jump on the trampoline and he said, “Come on dad, come jump on the trampoline with me!” He had a nice daddy lion and then the daddy lion died. And then Lambert died.
Then there was a little boy named Finnie and he wanted toys for Christmas. He asked Santa for toys and for Legos and Star Wars and Santa brought him all the toys. And it was Christmas! And then Santa died.
Gretl Spikes-Gilbert is three years old. She was born in San Antonio, Texas and now lives inLubbock, Texas with her parents, two older brothers (one of which is the family dog), and her baby sister. She loves animals, reading, investigating the nuances of family relationships and friendships, dancing outside, and candy. Gretl plans to be a medical doctor for mommies and daddies when she grows up. She loves telling stories and frequently “converses” with her parents in narrative. Gretl keeps all of her birthday cards and carries them around calling them “birthday books.” She frequently recites improvised poetry and short stories about her birthday books and has a poem forthcoming in her mother’s iPhone notes (if she can be pinned down to consistent wording).