
SmokeLong Quarterly

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Alida Dean

Alida Dean’s short stories have recently appeared in The ForgeNashville ReviewNinth Letter, and Soft Punk, among other venues. She earned her PhD in Creative Writing at the University of Cincinnati and is a lecturer in the Writing Department at Ithaca College. She also teaches online fiction workshops through the nonprofit Literary Cleveland. Her agent is currently looking for a home for her debut novel, I Don’t Think I’ll Miss You Much.


Stories in Smokelong Quarterly

Story: We Go Hiking A Lot
Interview: Smoke & Mirrors with Alida Dean


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High Intensity Interval Training for Flash Writers with Ingrid Jendrzejewski

Book Now!

Bring a pen, lots of paper, and your water bottle: this is a high-intensity guided-writing work-out designed to kickstart creativity, and push you into new territory, and exercise flash muscles you didn’t even know you had.

Maybe you’re stuck in a story and looking for a way to proceed.  Maybe you’re looking to generate new ideas.  Maybe your inner editor is holding you back.  Maybe you’re in a rut or have writers’ block or are just wanting to shake things up a bit.  This session is designed to tackle all these issues and help you level up your flash fitness.  Writers of all backgrounds and experience levels warmly welcome; come along, roll up your sleeves, and trust the process.